Ikuti acara Music Day Out! dengan tema: Tackling Emerging Markets & Localising global developments yang diadakan di Singapore.
Tackling Emerging Markets
Time: 7-8pm
Venue: *SCAPEmedia Hub, Level 5
Uncover strategies to develop your own fan base. Discover the dominant streaming services, media and venues to market your music.
Panelist: Joff Cruz (Swan Zoo, Vietnam), Elodie Sobczak (Pyinsa Rasa, Myanmar), Chris B (The Underground HK, Hong Kong)
Moderator: Andrew Mam (Baramey Productions, Cambodia)
*Due to COVID-19 restrictions, panel will be screened onsite. Physical attendees can continue to speak to panelists after scheduled panel discussion.
Selebihnya dapat anda lihat tentang event tersebut di website eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/music-day-out-conference-day-1-tickets-169431063873?aff=ebdssbcitybrowse&keep_tld=1